Cattle Decapitation
Biografie Cattle Decapitation
Cattle Decapitation este o trupa americana de deathgrind, formata in 1996. Piesele reprezinta un protest impotriva tratamentului aplicat asupra animalelor, consumul de carne, precum si abuzul mediului incojurator. Toti membrii formatiei sun vegetarieni, iar versurile trateaza subiecte precum misantropia si genocidul. Stil: deathgrind Componenta: Travis Ryan - voce Josh Elmore - chitara Troy Oftedal - bas Michael Luaghlin - tobe Discografie: Ten Torments of the Damned - 1996 Human Jerky - 1999 Homovore - 2000 Decapitacion - 2000 To Serve Man - 2002 Humanure - 2004 Cattle Decapitation/Caninus - 2005 Karma.Bloody.Karma - 2006 CATTLE DECAPITATION ...Toata biografia Cattle Decapitation
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Sepultura
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Stiri cu Cattle Decapitation
NAPALM DEATH, GATECREEPER, CATTLE DECAPITATION si alti membri invitati intr-un nou documentar Death Metal
Jon Lambert de la Noise Dosage Media transmite acum noul sau documentar death metal, Between Exultation and Aggression. Documentarul contine interviuri cu urmatoarele vedete death metal: Barney Greenway (Napalm Death) Dan Lilker (Nuclear Assault, ex-Anthrax) Travis Ryan (Cattle Decapitation) John...
Cattle Decapitation au lansat videoclipul pentru 'Finish Them'
Noul material este regizat de Nicholas Vidler si contine imagini live din spectacolele sold-out ale trupei din Melbourne, Australia de la inceputul anului 2020. Piesa este preluata de pe ultimul album al trupei, 'Death Atlas', care a fost lansat in luna noiembrie 2019 via Metal Blade Records. Videoclipul pentru...
Cattle Decapitation a ramas fara basist
Derek Engemann, basistul Cattle Decapitation, a anuntat ca se retrage din formatie dupa 8 ani de activitate. Acesta a anuntat ca doreste sa se concentreze pe celalalt proiect muzical din care face parte, 'Scour', unde canta alaturi de Phil Anselmo si membrii din Pig Destroyer. Iata ce a declarat...
Cattle Decapitation au lansat un videoclip cenzurat pentru piesa 'Clandestine Ways'
Urmarind videoclipul am incercat sa ne imaginam cum arata inainte sa treaca prin filtrul cenzurii deoarece, in continuare, avem parte de un clip destul de 'gore'. Piesa 'Clandestine Ways' este extrasa pe albumul 'The Anthropocene Extinction' lansat via Metal Blade Records, iar videoclipul poarta semnatura lui Mitch...
O noua confirmare: Cattle Decapitation la Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2016
Primele confirmari la noua editie Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2016 au iesit la inaintare marti, 1 septembrie: My Dying Bride, Carach Angren, Bucovina, Excrementory Grindfuckers si Indian Fall. Iata ca avem deja o noua confirmare! Este vorba despre CATTLE DECAPITATION , care din motive obiective au anulat...
Videoclipuri Cattle Decapitation
Top Versuri Cattle Decapitation
A Body Farm
The Gardeners of Eden
Constipation Camp
The Product Alive
Writhe In Putressence
Colostomy Jigsaw Puzzle
Cream Of The Crop
Success Is... (Hanging By The Neck)
Reduced To Paste
Christ On Crack
Icepick Gag Reflex
Total Gore
The Axe Will Fall
Projectile Vomit
Stench From The Dumpster
Bodysnatcher (Viscera Intact-Ripe For Devourment)
Parasitic Infestation (Extracted Pus Mistaken For Yogurt, And Then Gargled)
Lips And Assholes
The Carcass Derrick
Gestation Of Smegma
Chunk Blower
Long-Pig Chef And The Hairless Goat
Flesheating Disease
Species Of Feces
Mad Cow Conspiracy
Flesh-Eating Disease (Flu-Like Symptoms Of E-Coli With Complete Digestive Shut-Down)
The Decapitaion Of Cattle
Bukkake Tsunami
Parasitic Infestation
Alone In The Landfill
Mute Rain
Thrombosis All-In
Everyone Deserves To Die
Priest Of Ass
Human Jerky And The Active Cultures
To Serve Man
Scatology Domine (Intro)
Bathing In A Grease Disposal Unit
The Recapitation Of Cattle
Release The Gimp
The Roadside Dead (Detrunked Stumpification Through Roadrash)
Wine Of The Sanguine
The Regurgitation Of Corpses
The New Dawn
Joined At The Ass
I Eat Your Skin