Drowning Pool
Biografie Drowning Pool
Tara : Statele Unite Stil : heavy metal / numetal Componenta : Ryan McCombs - voce C.J. Pierce - chitara Stevie Benton - bass Mike Luce - baterie Discografie : Pieces of Nothing (2000) Sinner (2001) Desensitized (2004) Full Circle (2007) DROWNING POOL www.drowningpool.com www.myspace.com/drowningpool ...Toata biografia Drowning Pool
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Metallica
Iron Maiden
Guns N Roses
Linkin Park
Ozzy Osbourne
Deep Purple
Stiri cu Drowning Pool
Drowning Pool au cantat cu John Hetlinger
Va povesteam saptamana trecuta despre John Hetlinger, un batranel in varsta de 82 de ani care are o pasiune pentru metal atat de mare incat s-a prezentat la show-ul de televiziune "America's Got Talent" cu piesa "Bodies" a formatiei Drowning Pool . Dupa ce a oripilat juriul prezent la show,...
Drowning Pool vor canta alaturi de cel mai tare bunic de pe planeta
Va povesteam acum ceva timp depre un batranel in varsta de 82 de ani, absolut fantastic, care s-a prezentat in fata juriului de la America's Got Talent cu piesa 'Bodies' a formatiei Drowning Pool . Ei bine, CJ Pierce, chitaristul trupei, a luat legatura cu John Hetlinger si l-a invitat sa cante alaturi de ei la...
Un batran in varsta de 82 de ani a cantat piesa 'Bodies' la America's Got Talent
John Hetlinger, un batranel in varsta de 82 de ani, a devenit brusc cel mai 'metal' bunic al tuturor timpurilor dupa ca s-a prezentat la emisiunea America's Got Talent si a socat audienta atat prin povestea vietii lui cat si prin piesa pe care a interpretat-o, anume 'Bodies' a formatiei Drowning Pool . Filmarea a...
Drowning Pool - "Bodies", varianta sock puppet (video)
Sock Puppet Parody aduce un omagiu unor trupe celebre si le "venereaza" lenjeria. Dupa Metallica si Slipknot, a venit acum randul trupei Drowning Pool. "Bodies" , primul single extras de pe albumul de debut " Sinner" , lansat in 2001, are parte de o reinterpretare mai mult decat...
Drowning Pool: In Memory Of, acustic la un radio francez (video)
Americanii de la Drowning Pool au fost invitqat in studiourile radioului francez OUI FM de curand, unde au cantat o varianta acustica a peisei "In Memory Of", iar o filmare de la eveniment este disponibila mai jos. Piesa a fost lansata in august 2012 pentru a marca trecerea a 10 ani de la decesul...
Videoclipuri Drowning Pool
- Enemy
- Soldiers
- Drowning Pool - Bodies (Let The Bodies Hit The Floor)
- Drowning Pool - Tear Away
- Drowning Pool - Soldiers
- Drowning Pool - Step Up
- Drowning Pool - Sinner
- Drowning Pool - Enemy
- Drowning Pool - Love And War
- Drowning Pool - Killin' Me
- Drowning Pool - 37 Stitches
- Drowning Pool - Reason I'm Alive
- Drowning Pool - Time to play The game
- Drowning Pool - Enemy (US Version)
- Drowning Pool - Shame
- Drowning Pool - Creeping Death (Metallica cover)
- Shame
- Turn So Cold
- Saturday Night
Muzica Drowning Pool
Top Versuri Drowning Pool
37 Stitches
Reason I m Alive
Love x 2
Upside Down
Rebel Yell
Full Circle
All Over Me
Over My Head
Feel Like I Do
Turn So Cold
Bringing Me Down
Tear Away
Let the Sin Begin
Killin Me
Step Up
Told You So
Cast Me Aside
The Man Without Fear
Break You
Love And War
Alcohol Blind
King Zero
Horns Up
Killin' Me
More Than Worthless
This Life
I Am
Children of the Gun
All About Me
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Drowning Pool
- Let The Bodies Hit The Floor Tab
- Reborn Chords
- Rise Up Intro Tab
- 37 Stitches Intro Tab
- Rise Up Intro (ver2) Tab
- Bodies Tab
- Creeping Death Tab
- Sinner Bass Tab
- Tear Away Bass Tab
- I Am Tab
- Hate Intro Tab
- Reminded Tab
- Pity Tab
- The Game Tab
- Sinner (album) Tab
- Sinner Tab
- Step Up Tab
- Nothingness Intro Tab
- Tear Away (ver4) Tab
- Bodies (ver3) Bass Tab
- Love And War Solo Tab
- Bodies (ver3) Tab
- Tear Away Tab
- Killin Me Tab
- Sermon Tab
- Follow Tab
- Pity (ver2) Tab
- Love And War Tab
- Killing Me Intro Tab
- Mute Tab
- The Game (ver2) Tab
- Bodies (ver2) Tab
- Think Tab
- Creeping Death (ver2) Tab
- Bodies Bass Tab
- Tear Away (ver3) Tab
- Step Up (ver2) Tab
- Bodies (ver2) Bass Tab
- Tear Away Solo Tab
- Step Up Bass Tab
- Sermon (ver2) Tab
- Tear Away (ver2) Tab
- This Life Tab
- Soldiers Tab
- More Than Worthless Tab
- Feel Like I Do Intro Tab
- Reborn Tab
- Turn So Cold Tab