Biografie Epica
Epica sunt o formatie de symphonic/gothic metal din Olanda. A fost fondata in 2002 de catre fostul membru al trupei After Forever, Mark Jansen sub numele de Sahara Dust. Simone Simons era complet necunoscuta inainte de a fi aleasa ca solista a trupei. In primul album, "The Phantom Agony", trupa foloseste o orchestra. Al doilea album, "Consign to Oblivion" este inspirat conceptual de civilizatia maya. Numele Epica a fost inspirat de albumul cu acelasi nume al trupei americane Kamelot. Cele doua trupe sunt foarte apropiate, Mark Jansen si Simone Simons aparand adesea in concertele Kamelot. Simone Simons a colaborat cu Kamelot si pe albumul acestora din 2005, The Black Halo. Stilul caracteristic acestei trupe consta dintr-o imbinare intre elemente de opera si sound metal, uneori extrem. Ultimul album Epica, "The Road To Paradiso", a aparut in 2006 la Transmission Records. Stil : symphonic metal, gothic metal Componenta: Simone Simons - voce Mark Jansen - chitara Ad Sluijter -......Toata biografia Epica
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Nightwish
Pink Floyd
Tarja Turunen
In Flames
Children Of Bodom
30 Seconds to Mars
Roger Waters
Within Temptation
Dimmu Borgir
Stiri cu Epica
Epica au lansat un clip live pentru 'Kingdom of Heaven pt 3'
Trupa a lansat un material live extras de pe albumul 'Omega Alive' care va fi disponibil pe 3 decembrie via Nuclear Blast Records. "The whole 3rd act was built around the 'Kingdom of Heaven' songs". The 3rd part (from the Omega album) just had to be played, so we came up with 'Elysia', the kingdom...
Epica au lansat un clip live pentru 'The Skeleton Key'
Trupa a facut disponibil un clip live extras albumul live 'Omega Alive' care va fi disponibil pe 3 decembrie via Nuclear Blast Records. Viceoclipul a fost realizat de catre Jens de Vos si poate fi vzioonat mai jos.
Epica a lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'The Skeleton Key'
Trupa de symphonic metal a lansat cel de-al 8-lea material discografic, 'Omega' alaturi de un videoclip pentru cel mai recent single de pe album, 'The Skeleton Key'. Trupa a dezvaluit tracklist-ul albumului 'Omega' 1. Alpha - Anteludium 2. Abyss Of Time - Countdown To Singularity 3. The Skeleton...
Epica au lansat versiunea acustica pentru 'Omegacoustic'
Single-ul este extras de pe viitorul material discografic al trupei, 'Omega', ce va fi disponibil pe 26 februarie via Nuclear Blast Recods. "It’s always a lot of fun to work on acoustic versions of new songs. For this one, I stripped down the title song of our upcoming album and wanted to give it an...
Epica au lansat single-ul 'Rivers'
Trupa a lansat un nou single de pe albumul 'Omega' care va fi disponibil pe 26 februarie via Nuclear Blast Records. "Our third single has arrived! 'Rivers' symbolizes the calmness and at the same time the uncertainty in life, the ebb and flow. The calm water represents peace, and a strong river stream means...
Videoclipuri Epica
- Epica - Cry For The Moon
- Epica - Sensorium
- Epica - Never Enough
- Epica - Solitary Ground
- Epica - ThePhantom Agony
- Epica - Quietus
- Epica - Feint
- Epica - Facade Of Reality
- Epica - Memory
- Epica - Illusive Consensus
- Epica - Never Enough
- Epica - Cry for the Moon
- Epica - Fools of Damnation
- Epica - Chasing the Dragon
- Epica - Trois Vierges
- Epica - Sensorium (with Amanda Somverville Live in New York)
- Epica - Seif Al Din
- Unleashed
- This Is The Time
- Storm The Sorrow
Muzica Epica
Top Versuri Epica
Blank Infinity
Cry For The Moon "The Embrace That Smothers - Part IV"
Never Enough
Illusive Consensus
The Phantom Agony
Sancta Terra
Solitary Ground
Adyta "The Neverending Embrace - Prelude"
Indigo - Prologue
FaAade Of Reality "The Embrace That Smothers - Part V"
Chasing The Dragon
Dance Of Fate
The Last Crusade "A New Age Dawns" - Part I
Higher High
Mother Of Light "A New Age Dawns" Part II
Living A Lie - The Embrace That Smothers Part VIII
Run For A Fall
Trois Vierges
Seif Al Din "The Embrace That Smothers - Part VI"
The Obsessive Devotion
Tides Of Time
Consign To Oblivion "A New Age Dawns" Part III
The Divine Conspiracy
Veniality - Previously Unreleased Orchestral Version
Safeguard To Paradise
Another Me "In Lack'ech"
Menace Of Vanity
Our Destiny
Hunab K'u "A New Age Dawns" - Prologue
Death Of A Dream - The Embrace That Smothers Part VII
Beyond Belief
Fools Of Damnation - The Embrace That Smothers Part IX
Laapetach Chatat Rovetz - The Final Embrace
Force Of The Shore
Resign To Surrender - A New Age Dawns - Pt. IV
Kingdom Of Heaven - A New Age Dawns - Pt. V
Design Your Universe - A New Age Dawns - Pt. VI
White Waters
Facade Of Reality
Burn To A Cinder
Semblance Of Liberty
Samadhi - Prelude
Martyr Of The Free Word