John Lennon
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Stiri cu John Lennon
Ucigasul lui Lennon ramane, in continuare, in inchisoare
Mark David Chapman, individul care l-a impuscat mortal pe solistul The Beatles - John Lennon , va ramane, in continuare, in inchisoare, pentru a-si ispasi pedeapsa. Chapman, acum in varsta de 59 de ani, ceruse eliberarea sa conditionata, insa a fost refuzat de instanta pentru a opta oara si va...
Hologramele lui John Lennon, Freddie Mercury si Jimi Hendrix la muzeu
Noua tehnologie a hologramelor va fi utilizata pentru a „readuce la viata” mari nume ale scenei Rock, artisti precum John Lennon, Freddie Mercury sau Jimi Hendrix. Acestia vor aparea in varianta holografica 3D in noul muzeu din Londra - Music Hall of Fame. Se pare ca legendele Rock’n’Roll...
10 lucruri mai putin cunoscute despre John Lennon
John Lennon este probabil unul dintre cei mai indragiti compozitori, iar astazi 9 Octombrie ar fi implinit 73 de ani. Realizarile sale alaturi de colegii de la Beatles , colaborarile lui cu alti artisti contemporani, precum si piesele lansate in cadrul carierei solo, reprezinta o mostenire valoroasa si o sursa de...
Se implinesc 32 de ani de la moartea lui John Lennon
8 decembrie este o zi neagra in calendarul muzicii rock. Daca in aceasta zi, acum 69 de ani s-a nascut Jim Morrison, ei bine, tot in aceasta zi se implinesc 32 de ani de la moartea lui John Lennon. John Winston Lennon , nascut in data de 9 octombrie 1940 , in Liverpool, a fost fondatorul legendarei trupe The...
31 de ani de la moartea lui John Lennon
Pe 8 decembrie se implinesc 31 de ani de la moartea marelui artist John Lennon. John Lennon se intorcea de la studioul de inregistrari unde pregatea o noua piesa intitulata “ Walking On Thin Ice ” impreuna cu sotia sa, Yoko Ono. Artistul se afla in fata apartamentului sau din New York City in momentul...
Videoclipuri John Lennon
Muzica John Lennon
Top Versuri John Lennon
Working Class Hero
Give Peace A Chance
Free As A Bird
Jealous Guy
Baby Please Don't Go
Imagine (Rehearsal)
Beautiful Boy
Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
Imagine (Take 1)
Here We Go Again
Imagine (Live)
Grow Old With Me
Real Love
Woman Is The Nigger Of The World
Be Bob A Lula
Beef Jerky
I'm Losing You
In My Life
I'm Moving On
(Just Like) Starting Over
Mind Games
A Kiss Is Just A Kiss
Kiss Kiss Kiss
One Day
Come Together
Every Man Has A Woman Who Loves Him
Gimme Some Truth
Dizzy Miss Lizzy
Hard Times Are Over
How Do You Sleep
Strawberry Fields Forever
9 Dream
To Know Her Is To Love Her
Dear Yoko
Instant Karma
Cold Turkey
Just Gimme Some Truth
Twist And Shout
Hold On
Watching The Wheels
Number 9 Dream
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords John Lennon
- Imagine Chords
- Jealous Guy Chords
- Oh Yoko Chords
- Happy Xmas War Is Over Tab
- Oh My Love Chords
- Imagine (ver2) Chords
- Imagine (ver4) Chords
- Here We Go Again Chords
- Stand By Me Tab
- Mind Games Chords
- Happy Xmas War Is Over ver4 Chords
- Stand By Me (ver4) Chords
- Working Class Hero Chords
- Imagine Tab
- God Acoustic Chords
- Stand By Me Chords
- Jealous Guy Tab
- Woman Chords
- Nobody Told Me Tab
- Imagine (ver3) Chords
- Love Tab
- Happy Xmas War Is OverTab
- Imagine (ver2) Tab
- Meat City Chords
- Mother Chords
- Working Class Hero Tab
- Instant Karma Tab
- Imagine Bass Tab
- One Day At Time Chords
- Old Dirt Road Chords
- Watching The Wheels Chords
- Woman (ver3) Chords
- Woman (ver2) Chords
- Intuition Chords
- Im Stepping Out Chords
- Woman Is The Nigger Of The World Chords
- How Do You Sleep Chords
- Oh My Love (ver2) Chords
- Stand By Me Bass Tab
- Stand By Me (ver2) Chords
- Beautiful Boy Chords
- Happy Xmas War Is OverBass Tab
- Watching The Wheels (ver3) Chords
- Give Peace A Chance Chords
- Instant Karma Chords
- Happy Xmas War Is OverChords
- Hold On Chords
- Woman Is The Nigger Of The World (ver3) Chords
- Stand By Me (ver3) Chords
- How Chords