Lamb of God
Biografie Lamb of God
Trupa americana Lamb Of God s-a infiintat in 1990 in Richmond, Virginia, la initiativa lui Mark Morton, Chris Adler si John Campbell. Randy Blythe li se alatura in 1995 la voce. Spear paraseste trupa in 1999 pentru a se interna intr-un centru de reabilitare, fiind inlocuit de Willie Adler, fratele lui Chris Adler. "New American Gospel" apare in 2000. In 2003 trupa semneaza un contract cu Epic Records, unde va aparea albumul "As the Palaces Burn", in acelasi an, urmat in 2004 de "Ashes of the Wake". DVD-ul "Killadelphia" este lansat in 2005, iar un an mai tarziu albumul de debut Lamb Of God este reeditat, continand patru piese noi. Evenimentul este urmat de participarea la turneul The Unholy Alliance, alaturi de Slayer , Mastodon, Children of Bodom, Thine Eyes Bleed si In Flames. "Sacrament", cel mai recent material Lamb of God, apare in august 2006. De pe acest album sunt lansate doua single-uri, "Redneck" si "Walk with Me in Hell". Dupa aparitia acestui album, Lamb of God......Toata biografia Lamb of God
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Stiri cu Lamb of God
Lamb Of God au scos un nou lyric video!
Lamb Of God au scos acum un videoclip cu versuri pentru cel mai recent single al lor „Omens”, pe care il puteti reda mai jos. Vinerea aceasta, in data de 5 august aveti ocazia sa ii vedeti live la Rockstadt Extreme Fest, in Rasnov. Nu ratati super showul pregatit de cei de la Lamb of God!...
Pregateste-te pentru experienta celei de-a opta editii a festivalului Rockstadt Extreme Fest!
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Rockstadt Extreme Fest ne aduce vesti noi despre TRANSPORT RANOV – BRAOV! Cu ajutorul partenerilor REF- Primaria Orasului Rasnov, orarul liniei metropolitane de transport public 130 va fi extins pe ruta Rasnov – Brasov in fiecare dintre cele 5 zile de festival. Cate o cursa suplimentara va...
Rockstadt Extreme Fest se apropie!
Rockstadt Extreme Fest se apropie! Avand in vedere ca desi campingul acopera un areal generos, este evident ca exista si o limita de capacitate de aceea va rugam sa va achizitionati accesul in camping din timp. Copiii cu varsta pana in 16 ani neimpliniti au acces gratuit in camping numai insotiti de cel putin un...
Lamb of God a pregatit unul dintre cele mai bune pachete de metal pentru 2022
Cand turneul este denumit „Turneul metal al anului ”, stacheta este ridicata destul de sus. Dar Lamb of God a pregatit unul dintre cele mai bune pachete de metal pentru 2022, facand pereche cu Killswitch Engage si invitand trupele Baroness, Suicide Silence, Motionless in White, Spiritbox, Animals as...
Videoclipuri Lamb of God
Top Versuri Lamb of God
01. Black Label
05. Omerta
Broken Hands
In Your Words
Dead Seeds
01. Laid to Rest
02. Hourglass
04. The Faded Line
Set To Fail
Walk With Me In Hell
01. Ruin
Another Nail For Your Coffin
Condemn The Hive
07. One Gun
07. The Subtle Arts of Murder and Persuasion
06. Blood of the Scribe
05. The Black Dahlia
06. Terror and Hubris in the House of Frank Polard
10. O.D.H.G.A.B.F.E.
08. Pariah
Now You've Got Something To Die For
03. Purified
08. Break You
Beating On Deaths Door
02. A Warning
03. In the Absence of the Sacred
09. Confessional
Forgotten (Lost Angels)
Again We Rise
Blacken The Cursed Sun
More Time To Kill
09. Blood Junkie
A Devil In God's Country
Foot To The Throat
05. For Your Malice
08. In Defense of Our Good Name
04. 11th Hour
06. Boot Scraper
02. As the Palaces Burn
Remorse Is For The Dead
Ashes Of The Wake
What I've Become
Fake Messiah
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Lamb of God
- Grace Intro Tab
- Contractor Tab
- Dead Seeds Intro Tab
- Reclamation Intro Tab
- In Your Words Tab
- Broken Hands ver2 Tab
- Walk With Me In Hell Tab
- The Passing Tab
- Descending Bass Tab
- Walk With Me In Hell Bass Tab
- Redneck Bass Tab
- Omerta Tab
- Walk With Me In Hell (ver2) Bass Tab
- Walk With Me In Hell Solo Tab
- Redneck (ver2) Tab
- Laid To Rest (ver6) Tab
- Walk With Me In Hell (ver3) Tab
- Redneck Tab
- Terror And Hubris In The House Of Frank Pollard Intro Tab
- Fake Messiah Tab
- Vigil Tab
- Ruin Tab
- Another Nail For Your Coffin Tab
- Remorse Is For The Dead Tab
- Walk With Me In Hell (ver2) Tab
- Laid To Rest Bass Tab
- Pathetic Tab
- Hourglass (ver4) Tab
- Hourglass (ver3) Tab
- Laid To Rest Tab
- Pathetic Solo Tab
- Laid To Rest (ver5) Tab
- Ruin Intro Tab
- Choke Sermon Tab
- Vigil (ver2) Tab
- What Ive Become Bass Tab
- The Subtle Arts Of Murder And Persuasion Tab
- Everything To Nothing Tab
- One Gun Tab
- Suffering Bastard Tab
- Now Youve Got Something To Die For Bass Tab
- Pariah Tab
- Hourglass (ver2) Tab
- Ruin Bass Tab
- Pathetic Bass Tab
- Redneck (ver3) Tab
- One Gun (ver3) Tab
- One Gun (ver2) Tab
- Ruin Solo Tab
- What Ive Become Solo Tab