Biografie Placebo
Placebo este o trupa de rock alternativ, formata de Brian Molko si Stefan Olsdal. Trupa a fost formata in Londra, in 1994 atunci cand cei doi artisti s-au intalnit din intamplare. Cunoscuti drept Ashtray Heart , trupa s-a stabilit destul de rapid sub numele Placebo. Primul tobar a fost Robert Schultzberg, insa acesta a plecat la scurt timp. In locul acestuia a venit Steve Hewitt. Trupa a devenit foarte controversata, datorita sexualitatii mebrilor. Olsdal este homosexual, Hewitt este heterosexual, iar Molko este bisexual. Imaginea solistului, precum si stilul de viata extravagant, au reprezentat o sursa de inspiratie pentru trupa. Placebo a intampinat dificultati din partea industriei britanice, odata cu lansarea lui Special K, datorita cuvantului Ketamina. Piesele Nancy Boy si Pure Morning , au devenit un succes major. Discul Without You I'm Nothing a fost atacat in repetate randuri de presa britanica. In ciuda acestui fapt, Placebo s-a bucurat de o primire calduroasa in......Toata biografia Placebo
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Marilyn Manson
Guns N Roses
Linkin Park
Vita de Vie
Bon Jovi
Green Day
30 Seconds to Mars
Stiri cu Placebo
Poze Placebo in concert la Bucuresti
Placebo au cantat la Arenele Romane din Bucuresti pe 30 iulie. Poze de la concert gasiti mai jos. Foto: Anca Coleasa Poze Placebo
Poze Placebo in concert la Bucuresti
Placebo au concertat pe 30 iulie 2024 la Arenele Romane din Bucuresti Poze de la concert gasiti mai jos. Foto: Anca Coleasa Poze Placebo
Concertul Placebo se amana pe anul 2023
Dragii nostri, desi am facut tot posibilul ca showul Placebo sa aiba loc anul acesta din pacate din cauza unor lucruri care nu sunt sub controlul nostru acesta nu poate avea loc in 2022. Trupa ne-a anuntat ca din cauza unor probleme de sanatate in familia unuia din membrii trupei trebuie sa anuleze showurile...
Placebo au lansat un nou single, 'Happy Birthday In The Sky'
Noua melodie apare pe albumul 'Never Let Me Go' care va fi disponibi pe pe 25 martie. "Happy Birthday In The Sky for me, is one of the more heartbreaking moments on the album. Happy Birthday In The Sky is a phrase that I’ve been using for quite some time. When I say, happy birthday to people who...
Placebo au lansat un nou single, 'Surrounded By Spies'
Trupa a lansat un videoclip pentru noul lor single extras de pe viitorul material discografic. Noul disc se numeste 'Never Let Me Go' si va fi disponibil pe 25 martie 2022. Acesta este cel de-al 8-lea album de studio al trupei. "I began writing the lyrics when I discovered my neighbours were spying on me...
Videoclipuri Placebo
- 03. This Picture
- 05. The Bitter End
- Taste in Men
- Slave to the Wage
- 01. Pure Morning
- 01. Come Home
- 02. Teenage Angst
- Song To Say Goodbye
- Running Up That Hill
- Placebo - Twenty Years
- Placebo - Meds
- Placebo - Infra-red
- Placebo - Special Needs
- Placebo - Black-eyed
- Placebo - Special K
- Placebo - My Sweet Prince
- Placebo - 36 degrees
- Placebo - Peeping Tom
- Placebo - Where is my mind
- Placebo - Every You And Every Me
Muzica Placebo
Top Versuri Placebo
For What It's Worth
Every You Every Me
The Never-Ending Why
Bright Lights
Ashtray Heart
Battle For The Sun
Come Undone
Happy You're Gone
Kitty Litter
Devil In The Details
Speak In Tongues
Kings Of Medicine
Pure Morning
Breathe Underwater
Battle For The Sun
Without You Im Nothing
Protect Me From What I Want
My Sweet Prince
Burger Queen francais
Because I Want You
Special K
The Bitter End
Song to Say Goodbye
Running Up That Hill
Post Blue
Ask For Answers
20th Century Boy
Song To Say Goodbye
Post Blue
Where Is My Mind
You Dont Care About Us
Special Needs
The Crawl
01. Come Home
03. Bionic
Been Smoking Too Long
Special K
Because I Want You
07. I Know
Sleeping With Ghosts
02. Teenage Angst
Without You I'm Nothing
Space Monkey
Because I Want You
In The Cold Light Of Morning
08. Bruise Pristine
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Placebo
- Kings Of Medicine Chords
- For What Its Worth Tab
- Battle For The Sun Intro Tab
- The Bitter End Chords
- The Never-ending Why Tab
- Twenty Years Chords
- Meds Chords
- Pierrot The Clown Acoustic Chords
- Song To Say Goodbye Acoustic Chords
- Devil In The Details Chords
- Special K Chords
- Song To Say Goodbye Bass Tab
- Peeping Tom Live Tab
- Special Needs Bass Tab
- You Dont Care About Us Chords
- Post Blue Tab
- Special K Acoustic Chords
- Running Up That Hill Tab
- Been Smoking Too Long Tab
- 20 Years Tab
- Pierrot The Clown (ver2) Chords
- Bright Lights Chords
- Twenty Years Tab
- Every You Every Me Chords
- The Bitter End Tab
- Where Is My Mind Tab
- Summers Gone Chords
- Sleeping With Ghosts Chords
- This Picture Chords
- This Picture Acoustic Chords
- The Crawl (ver2) Tab
- Taste In Men Chords
- Where Is My Mind (ver2) Tab
- Slave To The Wage Acoustic Chords
- Special K (ver4) Tab
- Twenty Years (ver2) Tab
- Lazarus Chords
- Pure Morning Tab
- Special Needs Tab
- Plasticine Acoustic Chords
- Without You Im Nothing Tab
- Special Needs Live Tab
- Scared Of Girls (ver2) Tab
- The Crawl Tab
- You Dont Care About Us Bass Tab
- Twenty Years Intro Tab
- Without You Im Nothing (ver3) Tab
- Blue American Chords
- Pierrot The Clown Chords
- Without You Im Nothing (album) Tab