Stiluri: Alternative
Post punk
Biografie U2
Universal Music Romania si METALHEAD va ofera noul album U2 - No Line On The Horizon , disponibil prin precomanda pe noua sectiune U2 Shop , acum pe METALHEAD.ro.
Alaturi de No Line On The Horizon , gasiti pe U2 SHOP si toate materialele discografice ale trupei incepand cu 1980, materiale ce includ CD-uri si DVD-uri in editii DELUXE sau reeditate, in total peste 30 de adevarate piese de colectie, disponibile doar pe METALHEAD.ro/U2 .
Trupa irlandeza U2 a luat fiinta in 1976 in Dublin. Inca de la mijlocul anilor '80, U2 sunt una dintre cele mai populare fromatii rock din Europa.
Larry Mullen Jr., in varsta de 14 ani, a postat un anunt in care spunea ca este in cautare de muzicieni pentru o noua trupa. Componenta initiala a constat din Mullen la baterie, Adam Clayton la bass, Paul Hewson care mai tarziu a devenit cunoscut sub numele de Bono la voce, si fratii Evans la chitara.
Primul nume pe care l-au ales a fost Feedback . Acesta nume este schimbat un......Toata biografia U2
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Stiri cu U2
U2 au lansat seria de concerte 'The Virtual Road'
Cu ocazia sarbatorii Saint Patrick, U2 au lansat serie de concerte live in editie limitata 'The Virtual Road'. Trupa a facut disponibil concertul de pe data de 1 septembrie 2001 de pe malul raului Boyne din Irlanda. Concertul 'U2 Go Home: Live from Slane Castle' a fost sustinut in fata a 80.000 de fani si...
Mai multe trupe si-au anulat concertele din Europa in urma atacurilor teroriste Paris
In urma atacurilor teroriste care au avut loc in Paris vineri seara, Foo Fighters au decis sa anuleze urmatoarele concerte care faceau parte din turneul european. Intr-un comunicat de presa, trupa a spus: "It is with profound sadness and heartfelt concern for everyone in Paris that we have been...
Un concert U2 a fost amant dupa ce un spectator a intrat cu un pistol in locatia evenimentului
Cei de la U2 urmau sa sustina un concert in Stockholm, insa din cauza unei brese de securitate acesta a fost amanat in ultima clipa. Conform autoritatilor, toata lumea din The Globe Arena din Stockholm a fost evacutat dupa ce un individ a reusit sa intre cu o arma in incinta locatiei. Respectivul...
Cei de la U2 au cantat deghizati la metroul din New York
Artistii s-au deghizat si au coborat in Grand Central Station din New York unde au interpretat 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For'. Cum era de asteptat, in prima faza artistii nu prea au fost bagati in seama de trecatori pentru ca acestia nu i-au recunoscut. Dupa ce au renuntat insa la...
U2 nominalizati la Grammy Awards
The Recording Academy a publicat listele cu nominalizatii la cea de a 57-a editie a Premiilor Grammy, care va avea loc pe 8 februarie 2015. " Songs Of Innocence" al celor de U2 este nominalizat la categoria "Best Rock Album", pe cand "Morning Phase" , albumul...
Videoclipuri U2
- Vertigo
- City of Blinding Lights
- All Because of You
- Original of the Species
- Elevation
- With or Without You
- Sunday Bloody Sunday
- Window in the Skies
- Where the Streets Have No Name live la Cannes 2007
- Get On Your Boots
- U2 - One
- U2 - With Or Without You
- U2 - Miss Sarajevo
- U2 - Elevation
- U2 - Beautiful Day
- U2 - Bloody Sunday
- U2 - Unchained Melody
- U2 - Desire
- U2 - Please
- U2 - Stay
Muzica U2
Top Versuri U2
Stand Up Comedy
With Or Without You
Moment Of Surrender
Window In The Skies
Where The Streets Have No Name
With A Shout
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight
Three Sunrises
Moment Of Surrender
White As Snow
Fez - Being Born
Your Blue Room
Wild Irish Rose
Trash, Trampoline And The Party Girl
Zoo Station
With or Without You
Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World
Wild Honey
Spanish Eyes
Unchained Melody
So Cruel
The Star Spangled Banner
The Sweetest Thing
The Ocean
No Line On The Horizon
The Dream Is Over
The First Time
Viva Davidoff
Wake Up Dead Man
Bass Trap
The Refugee
Stand Up Comedy
Summer Rain
The Fly
The Fool
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords U2
- Magnificent Tab
- Ill Go Crazy If I Dont Go Crazy Tonight Chords
- Get On Your Boots Tab
- Moment Of Surrender Chords
- Stand Up Comedy Tab
- No Line On The Horizon Chords
- White As Snow Chords
- With Or Without You Acoustic Tab
- With Or Without You (ver3) Chords
- One Tree Hill Chords
- One Love Chords
- Fez - Being Born Chords
- With Or Without You (ver2) Chords
- With Or Without You Tab
- Breathe Intro Tab
- With Or Without You Chords
- With Or Without You Bass Tab
- Moment Of Surrender Solo Tab
- With Or Without You Acoustic Chords
- Van Diemans Land (ver2) Chords
- Fast Cars Chords
- A Man And A Woman Chords
- Vertigo Chords
- Love Is Blindness Chords
- Where The Streets Have No Name Tab
- Yahweh Chords
- Tryin To Throw Your Arms Around The World Tab
- Angel Of Harlem Chords
- When The Stars Go Blue Chords
- Wake Up Deadman Chords
- Where The Streets Have No Name Chords
- Stay Faraway So Close Chords
- Zoo Station (ver2) Tab
- Yahweh (ver2) Chords
- One Chords
- Walk On Chords
- With Or Without You (ver4) Bass Tab
- Window In The Sky Chords
- Whos Gonna Rie Your Wild Horses Chords
- Walk On Tab
- Vertigo Tab
- With Or Without You (ver3) Bass Tab
- Zooropa Bass Tab
- Where The Streets Have No Name Intro Tab
- Your Blue Room Bass Tab
- Vertigo (ver5) Tab
- With Or Without You (ver2) Bass Tab
- Zoo Station Bass Tab
- Miss Sarajevo Chords
- Wild Honey Chords