shadows of doubt consume you. the light you barely see. growing wings of sorrow; have brought you to the winds of
increscent boundries fade the way. a barren future all to real. and still i try to seek up and find the flame. and still i
inside. it's endless. a barren future all to real and still i try inside endless fight. endless tragedy. endless lunacy. chalk
the past as a memory. this battering sickness has surely won. all i have wasted. will this erase me. all i have wasted.
away. all i have i will erease. time to clean my wounds. can i win my own battle inside and out. can i win this
inside-outside. endless fight. endless tragedy. endless lunacy
9. aries
cowardly warrior vents his rage. his lust
for blood cannot be appeased. what fickle angels are we. our divided brothers we slay.
his lust will erase all