Within Temptation
Biografie Within Temptation
Formatia Within Temptation a fost fondata in 1996, in Utrecht, Olanda, de catre fostul chitarist al trupelor The Circle si Voyage, Robert Westerholt, impreuna cu prietena lui Sharon Janny den Adel. Primul album al trupei, "Enter" a aparut in 1997. Albumul care i-a facut celebri, dand o forma bine definita stilului trupei, a fost "Mother Earth" din 1999. In anul 2003, formatia s-a mutat la GUN Records, re-lansand albumul "Mother Earth", premiat cu discul de platina in Olanda. In 2004, formatia a revenit cu un nou material de studio, intitulat "The silent Force", avand din ce in ce mai multe copncerte in Europa. A urmat o serie de concerte la diferite festivaluri ca: Pinkpop, Werchter, Rock Am Ring, Rock Im Park, Sweden Rock, Ruisrock, Aerodome, Wacken Open Air, Gurten plus concerte in deschidere la Iron Maiden in Zurich si Paris. Pe 31 august 2005 succesul comercial al trupei a fost rasplatit cu premiul "Cel mai bine vandut artist olandez" la World Music Awards. Single-ul "What......Toata biografia Within Temptation
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Nightwish
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Stiri cu Within Temptation
Within Temptation a lansat o piesa noua "Don't Pray for Me"
Within Temptation a lansat o noua piesa, unica si inaltatoare, intitulata "Don't Pray for Me", care s-ar potrivi perfec intr-un episod din "Stranger Things". Este o melodie dramatica care imbina vocea unica si recognoscibila a lui Sharon den Adel cu un mix perfect de metal, rock alternativ si...
Within Temptation au lansat un clip live pentru 'Deceiver of Fools'
Trupa a lansat un material live extras din cadrul turneului 'Mother Earth Tour' care a avut loc in anul 2002. Videoclipul live este remasterizat de catre HDFactory si poate fi vizionat mai jos.
Within Temptation si Annisokay au lansat clipul pentru 'Shed My Skin'
Trupa a lansat un nou single extras de pe viitorul album live 'The Aftermath - A Show In A Virtual Reality' alaturi de trupa germana de metalcore Annisokay. Sharon den Adel a declarat urmatoarele: "It is about becoming the person we are meant to be, even if that means losing people we love, but have...
Within Temptation au colaborat cu Annisokay pentru un nou single, 'Shed My Skin'
Trupa a lansat un nou single extras de pe viitorul album live 'The Aftermath - A Show In A Virtual Reality' care va fi disponibil in curand. Trupa a colaborat cu trupa germana de metalcore, Annisokay, pentru a interpreta noua melodie. Sharon Den Adel a declarat urmatoarele: "During the whole...
Within Temptation au lansat un clip live pentru 'Stand My Ground'
Trupa a lansat un clip live pentru single-ul preluat de pe albumul din 2005 'The Silent Force Tour'. Noul material a fost realizat in cadrul concertului sustinut pe 22 iulie 2005 la Java-Eiland din Amsterdam. Clipul poate fi vazut mai jos.
Videoclipuri Within Temptation
- The Howling
- What Have You Done
- Frozen
- Within Temptation - Angels
- Within Temptation - Memories
- Within Temptation - Mother Earth
- Within Temptation - What Have You Done
- Within Temptation - Ice Queen
- Within Temptation - Frozen
- Within Temptation - Stand my Ground
- Within Temptation - The Howling
- Within Temptation - Never ending story
- Within Temptation - Somewhere
- Within Temptation - Jillian
- Within Temptation - Hand of Sorrow
- Within Temptation - Running Up That Hill
- Within Temptation - Pale
- Within Temptation - Our Farewell
- Within Temptation - Forsaken
- Within Temptation - Dark Wings
Top Versuri Within Temptation
All I Need
Say My Name
All I Need (Album Version)
Mother Earth (Instrumental Version)
What Have You Done?
What Have You Done
Blue Eyes
Our Solemn Hour
The Howling
Ice Queen
Our Solemn Hour (Demo Version)
What Have You Done
All I Need (Single Version)
Stand My Ground
Final Destination
Deep Within
Jillian (I d Give My Heart)
The Dance
The Truth Beneath the Rose
The Heart of Everything
See Who I Am
The Silence
The Last Time (Demo Version)
Another Day
Sounds Of Freedom
Pearls of Light
What Have You Done (Acoustic)
Jane Doe
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Within Temptation
- Somewhere Chords
- What Have You Done Chords
- Wish You Were Here Chords
- Forgiven Intro Tab
- Truth Beneath The Rose Chords
- Memories Chords
- Our Farewell Chords
- Utopia Tab
- Stand My Ground Chords
- What Have You Done Tab
- What Have You Done (ver2) Tab
- Ice Queen Chords
- Bittersweet Chords
- What Have You Done (ver2) Bass Tab
- See Who I Am Chords
- What Have You Done Bass Tab
- Our Solemn Hour Tab
- Angels Chords
- Angels Tab
- All I Need Intro Tab
- Frozen (ver2) Tab
- Ice Queen (ver2) Chords
- What Have You Done Intro Tab
- Mother Earth Tab
- Angels (ver2) Chords
- Ice Queen (ver3) Tab
- Forsaken Chords
- Ice Queen Tab
- All I Need Intro (ver2) Tab
- Frozen Tab
- Final Destination Bass Tab
- Howling Bass Tab
- Ice Queen (ver2) Bass Tab
- All I Need Intro (ver4) Tab
- See Who I Am Tab
- Hand Of Sorrow Bass Tab
- Ice Queen (ver3) Bass Tab
- Our Solemn Hour Bass Tab
- All I Need Intro (ver3) Tab
- Stand My Ground Tab
- Ice Queen (ver2) Tab
- Jane Doe Bass Tab
- Running Up That Hill Bass Tab
- Stand My Ground Bass Tab
- Caged Tab
- Mother Earth Intro Tab
- Ice Queen Intro Tab
- Dark Wings Bass Tab
- Ice Queen Bass Tab
- Another Day Tab